Robotics Plus launches Prospr: multi-use autonomous vehicle for sustainable orchard and vineyard production
New Zealand-based agritech company Robotics Plus has launched Prospr, an autonomous, multi-use, hybrid vehicle.
ANNOUNCEMENT: Mission to collaborate on emissions reduction
Over 20 representatives of New Zealand based agritech organisations are meeting with Irish and British organisations this month
AgriTechNZ News: Creating Connections
As this newsletter hits your inboxes a cohort of 23 delegates, myself included, are on our way to Ireland and the UK to represent our organisations
AgriTechNZ News: Building momentum
Right now, the Agritech industry is building momentum with many New Zealand businesses considering new markets, product offerings and collaborations.
ANNOUNCEMENT: Agritech recognises two industry champions in a night of celebration
AgriSea CEO Clare Bradley and Wharf42 CEO Peter Wren-Hilton recognised at agritech industry celebrations.
HortPlus: The future of onion production
When is an onion crop not just a regular one? When its growth is supported by 'MetWatch' a weather and disease technology from New Zealand
AgriTechNZ News: Harnessing our strengths
Our recent Annual Meeting was another proof point of the impressive level of engagement across our community.
AgriTechNZ News: Northern Hemisphere spotlight
June was a busy month with New Zealand’s National Fieldays returning to its full glory and E-Tipu/IFAMA driving thought leadership.
Agritech News: Recognising agritech’s impact
Last week’s Wellbeing Budget 2023 announcements included a $29.9m commitment to integrating technology into the horticulture sector.
ANNOUNCEMENT: Agritech gets $29.9million in budget
The 2023 NZ Government Wellbeing budget has seen a positive injection of agritech support that will drive higher paying jobs and new export revenues.
Sprout: Investing into agritech with Aimer Farming
Aimer Farming's app monitors accumulated growth rates for paddocks, thanks to investment from Sprout.
Agritech News: On tour with the ITP
We are half-way through the Agritech Industry Transformation Plan (ITP) Connect Tour and it’s been fantastic to meet so many of you in person.
Agritech News: Racing into 2023
Our thoughts are with all those impacted by the floods across Tairāwhiti Gisborne, Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland and other areas.
Onside: Battling biosecurity with tech
Biosecurity is one of the biggest concerns in the New Zealand primary industries. Tech company Onside have developed an app to protect our farms from incursions.
AgriTechNZ News: Meri Kirihimete
During 2022 there has been hard-won growth in our industry. Our members and sector partners continue to inspire us with their drive to grow and improve.
Fonterra and Nestlé partner on ambition to create New Zealand’s first net zero carbon emissions dairy farm
Fonterra and Nestlé today announced a new partnership designed to help reduce New Zealand’s on-farm emissions, including a New Zealand first – a drive to develop a commercially viable net zero carbon emissions dairy farm.
AgriTechNZ News: Fieldays Special Edition
During this time of the year, many of us are planning how to bring our families together for Christmas and the summer holidays. This year we also have a special opportunity to reconnect with our wider community at Fieldays 2022.
Robotics Plus unveils autonomous modular vehicle to alleviate agriculture labour shortages
Multi-use, modular platform Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV) automates tree and vine crop tasks, starting with intelligent spraying
AgriTechNZ News: the age of agritech!
As spring growth continues, it’s great to also see signs of growth for our industry too. New product launches, industry recognition and the ability to get out into the world are all very welcome growth dynamics.
Leveraging data for environmental initiatives
AgriTechNZ and Rezare Systems are working with the Ministry for Primary Industries on a project that aims to align the way we describe and identify data elements.