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Join us at Agritech Unleashed

Where conversations spark collaboration, and the latest agritech meets real-world applications.

In 2025 we will be holding three events in the Agritech Unleashed Series that will span both the North and South Islands of Aotearoa.

As a Member Association, AgriTechNZ represents the voice of the agritech industry domestically and on the international stage. 

Our Members span the full ecosystem including agritech innovators, researchers, investors, enablers, regulators, consumers and suppliers.

We look to advance the role of agritech for climate action and sustainable production.

In addition, agritech is a solution to address labour challenges, business improvements and scaling for economic growth.

Acceleration of the agritech industry can contribute to Aotearoa New Zealand’s society, environment and economy.

Innovating together & leading the way for global agriculture

We have a goal for 2030 to lift the success of New Zealand agritech from the current $2billion

Our VISION sees Aotearoa New Zealand as a global leader in agritech solutions that respect people, place & planet.

Join us

Become a member of a world-class agritech ecosystem.

Agritech New Zealand is an association of organisations and individuals that have come together to represent a fast moving industry.

Be part of the conversation and help share your voice to supporting your industry.

Latest News & Events

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AgriTechNZ News: Our hive of activity!

We’re excited to launch our special event series Agritech Unleashed, strengthening connections across Aotearoa’s agritech ecosystem.

New Zealand’s science system reform: what it means for innovation and agritech

The coalition Government has started its major science and innovation system reform to strengthen economic growth and align scientific research

AgriTechNZ News: Celebrating 2024’s Milestones

As we conclude the year, I want to recognise the tremendous collective effort of our community in advancing New Zealand’s agritech sector.

Agritech Unleashed: Hawkes Bay 2025

Join us for our inaugural Agritech Unleashed event in Hawke’s Bay. We’re showcasing how our land and people are shaping Aotearoa’s agritech future.

Indoor Growing Summit 2025

Growing the Future Indoors Summit 2025 – 13-14 May, Auckland, New Zealand If your work relates to glasshouses, hot houses, tunnel houses, indoor farming, vertical farming or similar read on!…

PCA (Protected Cropping Australia) Conference 2025

With the theme “Connect, Share, Learn,” this conference will bring together an inspiring line up of speakers, exhibitors, and sponsors from Australia and around the globe to share their cutting-edge knowledge, research, and innovations with over 600 delegates.