MARCH 2024: Often I joke about my AgriTechNZ role being similar to a dating agency or a matchmaker. Finding the best agritech relationships that can have a bright future together – whether that’s with investors, other businesses, agencies or opportunities. In the past, I may have even used the term ‘AgriTinder’, but for obvious reasons that’s not an actual brand (but I’m copyrighting it right now
Over the centuries, agriculture has evolved with technology but some things remain the same – especially the need for strong long lasting business relationships.
I can’t count the number of people that tell me how important it is, particularly if you’re building trust: trust in your technology solution and trust in your team to deliver what farmers and growers need.
Building relationships and networking can be tiring, but the rewards justify the effort. It also becomes easier when you’re part of a collective or attend events that foster a collaborative experience. The doors and opportunities that will open far exceed anything you could achieve alone. It’s why I strongly believe in our Membership and why we’re building our own event dedicated to collaboration, Agritech Unleashed, The New Zealand Summit, 6-7 August at Claudelands in Hamilton. We can’t wait to share more about this exciting event and if you haven’t already saved the date, do it now!
So from this ‘matchmaker’ to you – make sure 2024 has plenty of collaborative opportunities listed. Don’t get to December having made no new friends, because you never know where those random chats over coffee may lead.
Ngā mihi
Kylie Horomia
Growth & Transformation Manager, AgriTechNZ