Our Mission
Our Mission is a strong industry voice, advocating for collaborative practices, global growth & creating new value with our unique technology exports.
Our Purpose
We are an independent non-government organisation representing a diverse ecosystem of over 170 Member organisations.
AgriTech New Zealand CONNECTS innovators, investors, regulators, researchers, enablers and interested public.
We PROMOTE opportunities and challenges raised by the agritech industry.
AgriTech New Zealand ADVANCES the ecosystem through advocacy, collaboration, innovation, talent and economic growth through international connections and missions.
We are governed by an Executive Council.
Our Background
AgriTech New Zealand has been established as a community under NZTech as part of an alliance of technology associations.
Whilst agriculture and the primary sector remain the largest contributors to New Zealand’s economy, the agritech sector has consistently underperformed in terms of its earnings potential, given the scale of the agriculture and primary sector industries. A group of key industry and government stakeholders met regularly through 2017 and 2018 to identify the key challenges that the sector has faced and the potential opportunities to address these.
AgriTech New Zealand is an association of organisations and individuals that have come together to lead a programme of work, taking a key role in growing our country’s capability to maximise the opportunities enabled by agritech and address any challenges.